Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cat Pregnancy

Is your cat pregnant? or maybe you are unsure if she is or not... here are a few signs of cat pregnancy and helpful information on how to care for your pregnant cat.

You won't notice any signs of pregnancy until about 3 weeks, then they are hard to miss. They become a bit more friendly and affectionate and tend to sleep more. She will eventually start to gain weight but this doesn't begin until you get closer to the fifth week of pregnancy and then her nipples will become larger as they start to fill with milk.

The care of your pregnant cat is extremely important, this will help her through the pregnancy process and make sure your kittens are born healthy. You will want to take her into the vet for a check up or two, make sure she doesn't have fleas or any other issues that need to be addressed. Making her as comfortable as possible is key to a successful pregnancy.