Many people assume that catnip is bad for your cats since it alters their behavior in different ways. I can reassure you that catnip is harmless. The great thing about it is your cat can actually tell when they have had enough and they will lay off. You don't have to worry about them overdosing on it either.
Not all cats have the same reaction to catnip. Some may not even react at all. They can get super playful and hyper, very loving and affectionate or maybe even just take a cat nap. There are a few different ways to give this to your cats... you can grow your own if you want, buy it from the store or they even have toys that already have catnip in them. My experience with this is that it's something fun for them to experience every one in a while, it's harmless.
There are different kinds of catnip out there which are a part of the mint family. A few that come to mind are Common Catnip, Greek Catnip, Camphor Catnip and Catmint. The Common catnip is the most popular with cats and they say catnip can also be healthy for humans as well. Many people grow it in their herb gardens.
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